Annual Fall Festival
Annual Fall Festival
Centenary UMC will host its Annual Fall Festival on October 29, 2022. Refreshments will be served. There will be fun and games for all ages, and it will feature our Trunk-or-Treat giveaway! This is an opportunity for us to interact with our children and the children in the community in a fun and entertaining manner. Volunteers are needed. Trunk-or-Treat will be Saturday, October 29th from 1:30-4:00 p.m. Come join in the fellowship and fun!
Items Needed for Fall Festival
Please note: If you would like to donate or contribute to the Fall Festival, the following items are needed: Pumpkins (small, medium, large), craft paint, paint brushes, clear plastic cups, corn starch, food coloring and Ziploc sandwich bags. If you would like to donate a monetary gift, those donations can be made directly to the church. If writing a check, please designate in the memo- “For Youth Ministry.” Please email or contact Robin Mathews (mathews.robina@gmail.com) if you have questions. Thanks.