The Memphis AFL-CIO Central Labor Council has joined with Centenary United Methodist Church and A. Philip Randolph Institute to host our first Workers Restoration Summit on April 27th from 11:00 AM- 3:00 PM at 584 E. McLemore Avenue, Memphis, TN 38106.
Together we will address the adverse social conditions that have systematically led to economic inequities and contributed to increased crime in the Greater Memphis area, especially in the Black and Brown communities including immigrants both documented and undocumented. We invite local vendors to
come to service the community with the following resources but not limited to:
- Union Open Job Postings and Apprenticeships
- Voter Registration and Restoration for purged voters or for recently expunged citizens
- Free Legal Aids and Materials for Citizenship and Worker Protections
- Access to Life and Health Insurance through Financial Specialists
- Access to Dental and Medical Care
- And many more family-supporting resources