Words of Assurance – 5-13-2020
![The Hopsons](https://i0.wp.com/centenarymemphis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/hopsons_1980.jpg?resize=1920%2C1080&ssl=1)
Greetings and blessings Friends,
The world has been knocked hard but not knocked out. Over seven billion of God’s children wake up to the realization that they may not see tomorrow. There are no guarantees—death can happen to any of us in a variety of ways but today is different. We all face the same threat with little defense except isolation. We hunger for each other, for love, friendship, family, and fun.
In our physical separation thankfully we are still able to reach out and communicate through our modern technology. God has blessed us with the gift of memory so we don’t have to rely on computers or the Internet for remembrances of each other. We are sustained by our thoughts, fellowship, and relationships that are so vital to our sense of wellbeing.
Until we are able to gather again, let us reflect on our role in the kingdom and seek God’s guidance in being the best we can be. Will we be empathetic, kinder, gentler, and more engaging with the poor and marginalized? Will we be less judgmental and more forgiving?
In every historical world crisis God has shown us that he is King and still on the throne. God reminds us that life will go on, storms will eventually end, and the sun will shine again. We are reminded that the church is not a building but a living body of united believers who are shielded by faith and fortified by the love of God and this gets poignantly reflected in how we care for one another.
What does the future hold? Nobody really knows, nor do we need to know so long as “We know who holds the future,” as the popular song says. Remember the children’s prayer “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take?” That prayer takes on extra meaning during this current crisis. In John 14, Jesus reminds us that he goes to prepare a place for us and there’s no reason to be afraid. That promise still stands.
Let us continue to pray for healing in our land and be gently reminded of the power of the cross. We are royalty, sons and daughters of the King. Let us face the future as trusting stewards, thankful to God for an opportunity to love and be loved. Let history record that God’s people rallied together, embracing the world, and keeping their eyes on the prize. Amen.